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Kelly Lane Middle School

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6th Grade Camp

Download the flyer with Sign-Up Information by clicking here

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. Why is there a cost?  This is the main PTO fundraiser for the year. We don't ask families to engage in school-wide fundraising because in middle school, students have fundraising commitments in their various organizations.  The proceeds from 6th grade camp support the hospitality events for teachers and staff, teacher grants, and other school-wide events that benefit all students.
  2. Can parents stay and/or join?  Parents cannot join the students throughout the camp.  There will be an optional, informal meeting at 11:30 for parents that will address some regular parent questions about starting middle school.  There will be an Open House on August 9th in the evening for parents and students to walk through the school together.
  3. Where do I bring my student?  Drop off students in the front of the school - we will have staff and student helpers out front to welcome and guide students to the gym.  You are welcome to walk your student into the gym if you prefer, but it is not necessary.
  4. What if my student has special dietary needs for the snack? Please reach out to PTO at to discuss their needs and have a plan ready to go.
  5. What if I need help with the cost? Please reach out to PTO at to ask about the scholarships that are available for families who need assistance.
  6. What will students do? The morning is designed to mimic the school day, so the students will practice lining up in the gym (like the first day of school) and going to class.  They will have a mock schedule to follow, have "classes" that will help answer their questions about middle school, get to know each other, practice combination locks, hear the bells and learn what passing periods are like, and practice lunch procedures.  The processes that we use on this day will be exactly like the first day of middle school.
  7. What happens if my student doesn't go?  Students do not have to attend 6th grade camp.  We will assist them on the first day (all 6th graders start in the gym).
  8. Can we register that morning? Yes, come into the gym for on-the-spot registration.
  9. What if my student has special needs and needs more help? Please reach out to PTO at to let them know and they will connect with someone from the school to determine assistance.  We will do our very best to make sure the right people are there to support students.  Our goal is smooth and exciting transition to KLMS!