KLMS Frequently Asked Questions
What about backpacks? For the 2023-24 school year, backpacks are allowed to bring things to school and from school but must remain in student lockers throughout the day.
What about school IDs? School IDs are required every day. If a student arrives at school and does not have their student ID, they will need to receive a temporary ID badge from the front office. There are consequences for not having your school-issued ID. Students can purchase a replacement ID for $5.
What do I bring on the first day of school? Only the basic supplies of a notebook and pencil are required for the first day.
How do I request homework if my child is absent more than one day? To request homework, you should email your child's teachers directly or check their Canvas classroom. Students are given the total amount of days absent as a grace period to turn in missed work.
How do I find out if my child has any homework? Please ask your student to write homework assignments in his/her Agenda. Students can also check Canvas; it is not expected for teachers to post daily HW in Canvas.
How do I handle absences? Students have three school days to make-up any missing work due to absence. Parents/students may approach their teacher about missing work as well as email their teacher during their absence to gather the work. If there are extenuating circumstances, please work with the counselor and principal to determine any additional assistance needed.
How can I contact the teachers? You may call or email the teacher. All staff emails and phone numbers are listed on the Staff page. During instructional time, calls normally go to voicemail. If you call during a conference period, please ask the main office to connect you to the teacher. You can expect a response within 24 hours.
Who do I call if I have questions about lunch money? Please call 594-2800 and ask to talk to the cafeteria manager.
Can I have lunch with my student? During the 2023-24 school year, visitors may not have lunch with their student at school as we do not have additional staff for supervising visitors.
Can I bring lunch for my student? You can drop off lunch for your student but we do not accept 3rd party deliveries for students (Uber eats, Door Dash, etc). Fountain drinks are not accepted; drinks should be in a sealable container.
Can I bring lunch for other students? Unfortunately, no. We cannot permit a parent/guardian to bring food for any student other than their own student.
Can I bring flowers, gifts, or balloons to my student for their birthday or special occasion? For the 2023-24 school year, we are not accepting deliveries for students.
How do I get a birthday message on the marquee for my child? Please call the front office to coordinate the message, please note that there is a fee.
What time should I pick up my student from football games, volleyball games, dances, etc? Students should be picked up within 15 minutes of the end of the game; students routinely picked up late may lose the privilege of attending after-school events. We recommend that students call home about 15-20 minutes before the end of the game to help parents make arrangements. If your student does not have a cell phone they can ask the administrator on duty to use the student phone in the office.
How do I find out how my student is performing academically? Contacting the teacher directly is always best - email is available on the staff page. Official progress reports are posted to Skyward every 3 weeks and report cards are posted every nine weeks; these can be found in Skyward under the Student Portfolio section. If you cannot secure a report card, please contact your child's teacher, assistant principal, or counselor. You can also monitor ongoing grades by using the Skyward Parent Portal. For access to Skyward, please contact our registrar.
What is the cell phone policy? Cell phone use is prohibited during the school day. If a phone is confiscated, it is turned into the front office. The violation is recorded and the phone is released at the end of the day. There is no fee the first time a phone is confiscated and a $15 fee thereafter. Additional consequences may occur if it is a persistent violation.
How much are PE uniforms, band instruments, etc..? PE uniforms can be purchased on the Spirit Wear website hosted by PTO or purchased locally (grey shirt & navy shorts); contact the PTO for assistance with spirit wear orders. Your child's band director can provide information on how to obtain an instrument.