Email Archive
Sent: April 7
Subject: KLMS: Eclipse and STAAR this week!
Message: We have two big events this week that "once in a lifetime". These reminders and information have already been shared with students, but we want to make sure the correct information made it home...
Monday, April 8th is the Eclipse:
- Students will be seated on the track or on pavement depending on their class. We are purposefully not sharing (publicly) all details about where students will be located or our plan; however, we will know where they are located.
- Students may bring a towel (not blanket) for comfort. We will provide eclipse glasses that have been selected through school-approved sites and rated appropriately. They can be worn over regular glasses.
- We will err on the side of safety so students must adhere to all safety guidelines or they will be required to stay inside. Students should not make jokes or inquiries about not adhering to the expectations prior to the event because they may be required to stay inside if it appears there is a possibility they will circumvent our expectations and precautions.
- The office staff will be outside in the front. We are asking that you do not come to school from 1:00-2:00 so staff can remain focused on the safety of students and staff. If you must pick up your student during this time frame, please be prepared for it to take extra time as students are not in the their classroom.
- If you have not submitted permission, please do so ASAP and we will adjust to include your student (form link here). We have heard from 95% of our parents, thank you!
Wednesday, April 10th is the Reading STAAR test for all grades:
- All grades will take their reading test on Wednesday with make-up opportunities for absent students on Thursday and Friday.
- Students should not eat or drink during testing. We are prepared with arrangements for students that require snacks or drinks (pre-identified). All students will have access to the water fountain during testing and access to their personal snacks/water bottle when they have completed their test.
- Please avoid picking up students prior to the their lunch time if at all possible. This will minimize the disruption of testing rooms.
- All students may wear pajama bottoms on STAAR testing days. They should still wear proper foot attire/shoes (not slippers) and should not bring blankets for testing. We will not pull a student from a testing room to change; clothing brought to school will be given at the end of testing.
- Students are not allowed access to their cell phones, smart watches, or other electronic communication devices while in the testing room. They should be turned off and stored in their locker or with the testing teacher. Cell phones that ring in a testing room must be investigated and potentially reported to TEA (this could invalidate test results).
- If a student misses the test on Wednesday (for religious observation or other), they will be required to test upon their return. Students that miss the testing window all together will not have an opportunity to test and may be subject the legislature-required tutoring next year.
- Testing locations will be placed in the student's Google Classroom by noon Monday (at the latest).
There are several more things happening at school over the next couple of weeks and the end of the year is approaching fast - be sure to check out the KLMS calendar.
Sent: March 21
Subject: KLMS: Eclipse Information and Permission
Message: KLMS Eclipse Information and Permission email has been sent. More information here: /Page/9215
Sent: March 8
Subject: Knights: Enjoy Spring Break!
Message: I hope you all enjoy a safe and healthy Spring Break! The next 2 1/2 months will go fast when we return!
Here are some things to know about when we return:
- Grades are pulled Monday, 3-18, at the end of the day to close the 3rd nine weeks. Students can gain or lose UIL eligibility with this report card.
- The Art Show and musical (Dear Edwina, Jr) open Thursday, 3-21. The art show is one night only but the musical will be Thursday - Saturday night. The Art Show is free but tickets will need to be purchased for the musical.
- We will have our 3rd nine week spirit assembly on Friday - this is the last spirit assembly performance for our 8th grade cheerleaders and band students; it will also introduce the new 24-25 Cheerleading squad!
- There is no school March 29 and April 1st.
- We will have school activities related to the solar eclipse on April 8, including the opportunity for students to see the eclipse. We will send more information about our plans and parent permission when we return; we have secured glasses for all students.
- Reading STAAR testing will be April 10th for ALL grades. We will test in one day instead of 2 days.
Again, I hope you enjoy some rest and relaxation. There are some technical upgrades happening over break, so please know that some ISD applications or systems may not be accessible throughout break.
Sent: February 19
Subject: HHS 2024-25 Cheer and Mascot tryouts
Message: Please see the attached information regarding HHS Cheer and Mascot tryouts. The required meeting is 2/21; Coach Haub believes everyone has received the information but wants to make sure.
Sent: February 9
Subject: KLMS Valentine's Dance - TONIGHT
Message: If you are coming to the dance tonight...
Drop off for 7th and 8th graders is at 7:30 in the BACK of the school. Please plan to be there no later than 7:50 as we will lock the back doors and you might not be able to get inside after that.
Pick up for ALL students will be in the front of the school. Pick up for 6th grade is at 7:30 and pick up time for 7th/8th grade is 9:00.
Sent: February 7
Subject: KLMS 24-25 Cheerleading Tryouts
Message: There is a parent meeting for anyone with a student interested in trying out for the 2024-25 KLMS Cheer Squad. All 6th and 7th grade students who are interested are encouraged to tryout!
The meeting is Tuesday, Feb. 13th at 6:00 pm in the KLMS Library.
All questions should be directed to Mary Perisho ( or Christian Hayward (
Sent: January 30
Subject: Reminder: 8th grade parent meeting tonight @ 6pm - KLMS Cafeteria
Message: Just a reminder that we will have a parent presentation this evening to help 8th grade students prepare for their transition to high school. All parents and students are welcome. This presentation is best for parents who are new the high school planning process, who want a refresher, or maybe a have a student on a different path.
We will be in the cafeteria starting at 6:00 PM.
Sent: January 26
Subject: Federal Report Card
Message: A paper copy of the Federal Report Card for KLMS has been placed in the front office. Additionally, a paper copy of the TAPR report is located in the front office.
Both of these were presented at the PTO meeting. Thank you all for your continued partnership!
Sent: January 20
Subject: KLMS Blog Update - upcoming meetings and events
Message: I hope you're family is doing well and staying healthy in this COVID/flu season with the craziest temperature fluctuations!! The students started their spring clubs this past Friday, I hope they enjoyed their new selections!
The blog this week focuses on transition events/meetings and other upcoming events. There are special events for students entering middle school (current 5th graders) and students leaving KLMS for high school (current 8th graders). All students will be making course requests in the upcoming weeks!
Sent: January 15
Subject: KLMS: Late Start Schedule
Message: Hopefully you have seen that we will have a 2-hour delay start tomorrow, January 16th. Click here for the link to our bell schedule.
You can also located this schedule on our home page, under "about us" in the "calendar & bell schedule" section. Please note that there is no Catapult and lunches will occur during the designated class period (student will not have much class during those periods).
Breakfast will be served and transportation will be provided for students that normally receive transportation. The morning run will be a two-hour delay.
The building will not be open at its regular time as staff will also arrive two hours later, so please do not drop off students at their regular arrival time.
Thank you and we hope you all are staying safe and healthy!
Sent: December 13
Subject: KLMS: Fire Alarm Wed. afterschool - ALL CLEAR
Message: Today at approximately 5:20pm the fire alarm was activated and the building was evacuated. The Pflugerville Fire Department responded and made sure the building was safe. PfISD maintenance then investigated and discovered a burned wiring in a motor which was the source of the burning smell and smoke that triggered the alarm.
The motor has been turned off until the necessary parts can be replaced and it is not necessary for the building to be comfortable for students in the morning. The HVAC system will be able to warm the building without delay.
Thank you to the parents that were here and had to adjust last minute as well as patiently wait during the delay. We appreciate the students and staff that immediately evacuated the building and made sure everyone was safe.
Have a good evening and we will see everyone in the morning!
Sent: December 12
Subject: Updated Blog Link
Message: The December blog update has information about our end of semester events: Book Fair, Winter Dance, spirit dress up days, a food drive, and Fall Knight Out.
Thank you for the continued support!
Sent: November 3
Subject: Join us for a Veteran's Day Assembly Nov. 9th
Message: If you, or a family member, are a Veteran or active duty soldier, we would like to honor you at the Veteran's Day Assembly on November 9th at KLMS! We have a Veteran's reception at 8:15am in the library and our honored guests will be escorted in a processional to the gym at 8:25am for our assembly.
Can we reserve a seat for you? Please email Kristi Henderson ( and let her know the name of the honoree(s) and the branch of their service. We look forward to honoring as many Veteran's as possible!